Changing the HVAC air filter is not rocket science and you can easily do it yourself with a little effort and some guidance. Before you rush to replace the filter it is important that you understand why should you do it at all. For that particular reason, you should understand how it works. The air filter catches the dust from the air passing through it and can get clogged over time. When that happens you will notice a reduced efficiency in the performance. A reduction in the blower’s throw is also a sign that your filters need to be cleaned. You can follow the smart guidelines below to replace the filter if you feel your HVAC is losing efficiency. Here are some tips about how to change HVAC filter?

Find Out Where It Is Located

The location of the air filter depends on the model of HVAC you are using. But in most cases, it is either installed on the blower compartment of the air conditioner. Or you might find it behind the grill mounted on the wall or ceiling. If you are not sure how to track it down the user manual should be consulted. And if that’s not possible you can either call the local appliance support or find the guidelines of that particular model online. Be careful while you are opening the grill because the locks are made of plastic and can be easily damaged.

What Is Your Filter Size?

Due to the availability of various HVAC products finding the size of your filter can be challenging. Most of the time when you buy a new product a replacement filter comes with it. If you don’t have a replacement, then it is better you take out the filter and take the measurements yourself. Pay attention when you take out the filter because on the edge it is marked and when you install a new one the arrow should be in the right place. You can also take help from the user manual about the dimensions of the filter and in case you don’t have the manual, just make a quick search on the internet with the model number.

How The Filter Should Be Replaced?

Now that you have a brand new filter it is time to turn off the HVAC for the filter install installation. Having prior knowledge of opening the HVAC for filter replacement is mandatory. Make sure you pay attention to the markings on the edges of the grill. If you have already replaced the filter you’d the direction of the arrows and make sure you install it in a similar way. For a wall-mounted system, the arrows should be pointing towards the airflow. If the outlet is in the ceiling, then the arrow should be pointing up. The filter installed on the system must be pointed toward the blower.

The Right Time To Do It

Usually, the filter has to be changed after three months of service, but if the situation changes, then changing it with a delay is acceptable as well. For example, if you have allergies and or pests in the home, then it is highly recommended to replace the filter in time because an increased humidity in the duct can spike the pest growth and you can have serious health issues if you are allergic or have kids in the family. The other important factor that decides when you should replace the filter is your climate. If you live in a hot and humid area that demands excessive use of air conditioning, then you should monitor the condition of the filter every once in a while and replace it when you feel it is choked.

The replacement of the filter must be done in time for optimal performance. Most of the time the reduced efficiency demands the filter replacement. If you are still unable to figure out your unit, it is recommended that you consult a professional. Or better buy an annual service subscription. After that, you don’t need to worry about when the filter should be replaced. Because the professionals know exactly after how much time the filter should be replaced. Their experts frequently monitor the condition of the filters and take care of it when it is necessary. In the end, it is all about making the right choices.

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